Pinterest Marketing Strategy Plan

Mapping Out Your Pinterest Game Plan

The Pinterest strategy plan is designed for busy people who do not have the time to figure out all the Pinterest secrets but would rather manage their own Pinterest business account.

Why do I even need a Pinterest Marketing Strategy Plan?

Pinterest marketing rules and algorithm are always changing which means you will need the most current strategies that will work today. If you have had the same strategy with Pinterest for over a year or more this is for you.

When you purchase the Pinterest marketing strategy plan all the thinking and planning is done for you!

You need the right pieces, in the right place, at the right time using the most current best practices. In other words, you need a game plan to guide your success. I will look at…


  • Your current approach
  • Where you can improve
  • Tell you how to do it 😉


  1. Identifying the correct keywords that connect you to your target audience.
  2. SEO your brand profile so you rank high under “People” on Pinterest’s search engine.
  3. Providing you with tips to help promote your Pinterest business page through other socials and marketing materials.
  4. Giving you the tips on how to set-up your website and blog to get more Pinterest followers and to get visitors to share your products on Pinterest.
  5. Providing you with the correct keywords and an SEO strategy that you can begin adding to your pin descriptions, product titles & descriptions (and website) so your content gets found on the top of the search engine.
  6. Cleaning up 5 board titles and 5 board description and optimizing them to rank high on Pinterest’s search engine.
  7. Adjusting the account settings section within your account so you don’t miss vital information from Pinterest.
  8. Recommendations on the types of images that work best for your business.
  9. Create 5 branded Pinterest images to drive shoppers to your online store and/or blog.
  10. A description for how to manage your account: daily, weekly, & monthly using checklists and a template.
  11. A description & checklist of what to include in your pin descriptions so you get found on Pinterest’s search engine first and not your competition.
  12. 12 board titles to help you get found by new customers.
  13. Organizing your boards and a description on how to reorganize your boards in the future.
  14. Instruction on what and how many images to pin and repin every month.
  15. Instruction on the best days and times to pin.
  16. Guidelines on how to join group boards and those to avoid so you don’t lose followers.
  17. Recommendations on who to follow.

coaching session to review the recommendations of the strategy plan and help you prioritize
(value of $50)

(value of $875)

What is the investment for Pinterest Marketing Strategy Plan?

One time $997 USD  investment

To move forward with this Pinterest Marketing Strategy Plan, please contact me and fill in the form below. I will then get back to you within 48h with payment details and more details about the working process. Thank you.

Want Kristina to manage your Pinterest for you?

The Initial Pinterest Makeover will get you sorted!


How soon can we start? As soon as you’re ready 🙂 From formalities perspective – normally it takes 1-2 weeks after the contract is signed and invoice is paid for us to start the project.

How long does it take to complete Pinterest Strategy? Usually, it takes around 2 weeks since from contract start date.

How does the payment work? Payment in full is required prior to the project start date, paid via card. Fees covered by the purchaser.

I’m interested, but I have a few questions. Can I contact you? Of course! It’s best to schedule a free consultation call with Kristina, where all your specific questions will be answered.

Is there a refund? Since this is a service-based work, there is no refund for work delivered. Before you book any of the packages, you’ll be able to review our full contract agreement. If your plans change for any reason and you no longer need Pinterest services, you just need to give us 30 days written notice.

Please Fill In The Form To Proceed With Your Order