Wanting To Have A Tech Ninja In Your Back Pocket?
I WILL BE YOUR BBF (Business Best Friend) WHEN IT COMES TO THE TECHThe to-do list seems like a never-ending story and new tasks are just being added and added.
Running your own business is an exciting and very rewarding thing to do, but sometimes it can get pretty hectic and get you thinking – “When the heck did I sign up for this…?!”
Does this feel familiar?
- You know it’s time to brand yourself and get that website up and running or you have a website, but it needs a little bit of makeover to convert you more clients, but the question is: How? When? What?
- Collecting, managing, sending out emails and putting it all together feels like one mysterious place and you gladly would hand it over to someone else.
- Have an amazing product and so much value to provide to your audience, but just can’t afford to spend another minute editing and managing your blog posts.
Ok, pause – reset and one thing at the time. You started your biz to help people overcome their with their health challenges and actually enjoy what you’re doing, right? So let’s get back to it and get some more time in your day for yourself.
We will work together to bring your vision into reality, without you going into all the tech hassle.

Kristina Day is a globetrotter, passionate about having an active lifestyle, tech geek, wholesome foodie….
Only a few years back I was employed as a Project Manager and as much as I loved my tech job, I felt that my wanderlust spirit wasn’t happy in a 9-5 cubicle. So I booked a one-way ticket to Australia to design my life from scratch and got into Fitness. The fun part? I lost count of how many times people asked if I was crazy, HA!
Now you think everything should be good – I mean you’re in an exotic country in an industry you love what else you could be asking for…
All of those thoughts, thoughts…and then it hit me! Why not combine my passion with the techy skill set that I have to help Health & Wellness entrepreneurs grow their businesses, so they can do what they’re good at while I take care of the rest.
Now..are you ready to create your day the way you want it?